Family law matters generally produce the strongest feelings of frustration and desperation anyone can experience, especially when children are involved. Whether you are getting married, but first need to finalize a pre-nuptial agreement; have decided to file for divorce; have been served with divorce papers; or, need to seek modification of alimony or child support obligations, our attorneys are acutely mindful of the stress that these situations bring, and, therefore, we treat each client, and their situation, with the utmost sensitivity, while striving to minimize the adversarial nature of the process and ensuring the best results possible. Some of the family law cases we handle include:

Child Custody/Visitation/Timesharing
Decision-Making/Parental Responsibility
Child Support/Enforcement/Modification
Property Distribution
Domestic Violence/Injunctions/Restraining Orders
Pre-Nuptial & Post-Nuptial Agreements